中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站9月26日休斯顿报道,俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气/Gazprom)日前投产了其位于西伯利亚西北部亚马尔半岛上的最大气田博瓦年科夫斯科耶大气田的第3个生产设施。 第3个生产设施将允许博瓦年科夫斯科耶大气田每年生产1150亿立方米的天然气。 最初的天然气产量将来自森诺曼纪-阿普第纪气藏。俄气预计,尼奥科姆纪-侏罗纪气藏的开发将使其年产量达到1400亿立方米。 博瓦年科夫斯科耶大气田和乌赫塔之间的这条长1260公里、外径1.42米的管道环路正在运行中,而乌塔赫与托尔若克现有系统之间的一条长970公里、外径1.42米的管道环路将在今年年内建成。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Giant Yamal field’s third phase starting Gazprom is placing onstream the third production facility at giant Bovanenkovskoye gas and condensate field in the Yamal Peninsula of northwestern Siberia.
The facility will allow the field to produce as much as 115 billion cu m/year.
Initial production is from Cenomanian-Aptian deposits. Gazprom expects later development of Neocomian-Jurassic reservoirs to allow production to reach 140 billion cu m/year.
A loop of the 1,260-km, 1.42-m OD pipeline between Bovanenkovskoye and Ukhta is in operation. And a loop of the 970-km, 1.42-m OD pipeline between Ukhta and a tie-in with existing systems at Torzhok is to be complete this year.