

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站9月27日休斯顿报道,总部位于休斯敦的诺布尔能源有限公司(诺布尔能源/Noble Energy Inc.)日前签署了多项协议,支持通过现有的基础设施从位于以色列海上的第一大气田利维坦气田和第二大气田塔玛尔气田向埃及输送天然气。 诺布尔能源将与一些合作伙伴一起收购东地中海天然气公司(Eastern Mediterranean Gas Co. SAE) 的39%股权。东地中海天然气公司拥有90公里长的EMG管道。这条主要位于海上的管道连接位于阿什克伦的以色列管道网和位于埃尔阿里什附近的埃及管道网。 EMG集团拥有EMG管线,这条管线曾是阿拉伯天然气管道埃及段向以色列输送天然气的支线管道,由于遭到破坏这条支线管线自2011年以来一直处于闲置状态。 诺布尔能源在成交后将间接持有这条管道10%的权益,诺布尔能源预计将运营这条管道。EMG管道的技术评估和反流规划工作时下正在进行中。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Noble Energy signs deals to support gas exports to Egypt abvufbqwvaxetvsuyzurxvdxytc Noble Energy Inc., Houston, has executed multiple agreements to support delivery of natural gas from Leviathan and Tamar fields, offshore Israel, into Egypt through existing infrastructure.
With certain partners, Noble Energy will acquire a 39% equity interest in Eastern Mediterranean Gas Co. SAE, which owns the 90-km EMG Pipeline. Primarily offshore, the pipeline connects the Israel pipeline network from Ashkelon to the Egyptian pipeline network near El Arish. The EMG group owns the EMG line, which once served as a spur from the Egyptian segment of Arab Gas Pipeline for delivery of gas to Israel but has been idle since 2011 because of sabotage of the main line.
Noble Energy will own an indirect interest of 10% in the pipeline on closing and is expected to operate the pipeline. Technical evaluation and flow reversal planning work on the EMG Pipeline is ongoing.  
