中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站9月26日伦敦报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司的一名高管周三表示,位于巴西海上桑托斯盆地的巴西最多产油田卢拉油田在明年达到日产100万桶油当量以后将在2020年或2021年达到原油产量峰值。 壳牌公司负责位于巴西桑托斯盆地的卢拉油田、萨宾霍油田、伊拉谢玛油田和拉帕油田的总经理克里斯蒂亚诺•科斯塔表示,明年卢拉油田原油产量增长将得益于P-67和P-69平台的启动,这两个平台将在2019年投入生产。 截至7月份,由巴西国家石油公司、壳牌公司和葡萄牙Galp共同运营的卢拉油田今年平均日产87.9万桶原油。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Shell Sees Peak Output for Brazil’s Lula Field in 2020, 2021 Brazil’s most productive field, the Lula, located in the offshore Santos basin, should hit peak production in 2020 or 2021, after reaching 1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day next year, an executive at Royal Dutch Shell said on Wednesday. The increase in production next year will be helped by the launch of platforms P-67 and P-69, which should go online in 2019, according to Cristiano Pinto da Costa, Shell’s general manager for the Santos basin’s Lula, Sapinhoa, Iracema and Lapa fields. The Lula field averaged 879,000 barrels of oil per day as of July. It is operated by Brazilian state oil company Petroleo Brasileiro in a consortium with Shell and Portugal’s Galp.