

    中国石化新闻网讯 据TradeArabia网站9月14日消息,卡塔尔石油公司(QP)达成了为期三年的销售协议,向位于印度西孟加拉邦的Haldia 石化公司(HPL)自2018年起提供总计 600,000吨轻质石脑油。     这一长期供应协议是卡塔尔石油公司石油产品销售公司(QPSPP)首次向位于印度的终端用户销售石脑油原材料,突显了QPSPP公司与建立起来的终端用户增加更多的直接销售额。     卡塔尔石油公司总裁兼首席执行官Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi称:“对卡塔尔而言,印度是一个十分重要的国家和能源合作伙伴,并且我们对我们的长期优秀合作关系十分骄傲。”     卡塔尔石油集团将继续与印度同行为进一步加强双方各方面合作而探索新机遇,有效满足印度日益增长的能源需求。     “卡塔尔向印度终端客户提供液化天然气,原油,凝析油,液化石油气和其他燃料;并且我们十分自豪能通过HPL公司作为直接供应石油脑原料的能源合作伙伴加强我们与印度的能源关系。”
    HPL公司是印度最大的石油化工公司。     它拥有具有竞争力的现代化的以石油脑为基础的石油化工综合体,距加尔各答125千米,总产能相当于每年700,000 吨乙烯。     蔡小全 编译自 TradeArabia     原文如下:     Qatar Petroleum signs 3-year naphtha sale deal with India firm     Qatar Petroleum (QP) has concluded a 3-year sale agreement to supply India’s Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (HPL) in West Bengal, with a total of 600,000 tonnes of Light Naphtha starting in 2018.     This long-term supply agreement is the first naphtha feedstock sale of Qatar Petroleum for the Sale of Petroleum Products Company (QPSPP) to an end-user in India, highlighting QPSPP push for more direct sales with established end-users.     Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, president and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said: “India is a very important country and energy partner for Qatar and we are proud of our longstanding excellent partnership.     Qatar Petroleum Group of Companies continue to explore new opportunities with Indian counterparts to further enhance our cooperation on all fronts, and to effectively contribute to satisfying India’s growing demand for energy.     “Qatar supplies Indian end-users with LNG, crude oil, condensate, LPG and other fuels; and we are proud to be able to strengthen our energy relations with India through HPL as an energy partner for the direct supply of naphtha feedstock.”     HPL is one of the largest petrochemical companies in India.     It has a competitive modern naphtha based Petrochemical Complex located 125 km from Kolkata, with a total capacity equivalent to 700,000 tonnes per annual of ethylene.
