

    中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油9月14日报道称,石油与天然气创新中心(OGIC)正在支持三项新的研究项目,这些项目的核心是数字化如何提高效率并为油气行业节省成本。     三家公司与罗伯特戈登大学(RGU)计算机科学与数字媒体学院合作,开展了对油田数字化转型的研究。     OGIC首席执行官伊恩·菲利普斯说:“数字化是油气行业可持续发展的关键。通过在极短的时间内快速处理大量数据,成功地实现了在勘探和生产周期等许多方面的自动化和大量任务的集成。     “OGIC正在支持的三个研究探索任务新方法的项目,将降低成本,提高效率,并最终以一种劳动密集型的方式进行生产。”     徐蕾 摘译自 世界石油     原文如下:     OGIC supports new research projects for digitalization in oil and gas     The Oil & Gas Innovation Centre (OGIC) is supporting three new research projects centred on how digitalization can improve efficiency and provide cost savings to the oil and gas industry.     Three companies have teamed up with Robert Gordon University’s (RGU) School of Computing Science and Digital Media to carry out research into the digital transformation of the oilfield.     Ian Phillips, CEO of OGIC, said: “Digitalization is key to a sustainable oil and gas industry. Successful automation and integration of a huge range of tasks across many aspects of the exploration and production cycle, are now possible through the ability to rapidly process vast quantities of data in very short periods of time.     “OGIC is supporting three projects researching new approaches to exploration tasks, which will reduce costs and increase efficiency and, ultimately, production in a less labor-intensive way.”
