

    中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月12日消息,欧佩克援引二手消息来源称,8月份该组织石油产量环比增加27.8万桶/日达到日均3256万桶。     欧佩克还将今年全球石油需求增长从先前估计的300万桶/日下调至162万桶/日。     在其月度报告中,欧佩克表示今年全球石油需求估计为9882万桶/日。     欧佩克将2019年全球石油需求增长从先前预测的基础上下调2万桶/日,降至142万桶/日,主要是因为拉美和中东部分地区的前景并不乐观。     唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯     原文如下:     DJ OPEC Says Oil Production Rose In August     The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, on Wednesday said August crude production by the cartel, based on secondary sources, rose 278,000 barrels a day to average 32.56 million barrels a day. OPEC also slightly lowered its forecast for growth in world oil demand this year to 1.62 million barrels a day, down from a previous estimate of 3 million barrels a day. In its monthly report, the cartel said total oil demand for 2018 is estimated at 98.82 million barrels a day. In 2019, world oil demand growth is forecast to rise by 1.42 million barrels a day, down by 20,000 barrels a day from OPEC’s previous report, primarily due to a less optimistic outlook for parts of Latin America and the Middle East.
