

    中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月12日吉隆坡报道,马来西亚最大的石油和天然气服务公司Sapura Energy Bhd周三表示,将向奥地利石油天然气集团OMV出售其上游业务50%的股份。     Sapura表示,拟议中的交易是基于16亿美元的企业价值,并补充说,两家公司已同意在独家基础上继续谈判。     Sapura在公告公布后,该公司股价上涨了4.5%。几周前,Sapura宣布计划通过拟议的配股发行筹集40亿林吉特(合9.6386亿美元)。以求提高其财务状况并减少债务。     汤森路透的数据显示,Sapura的市值约为4.845亿美元,而OMV的估值约为169亿美元。     詹晓晶摘自路透社     原文如下:     Malaysia’s Sapura to sell 50 pct stake in upstream business to Austria’s OMV     Malaysia’s largest oil and gas services company Sapura Energy Bhd on Wednesday said it would sell a 50 percent stake in its upstream business to Austria’s OMV.     The proposed deal is based on an enterprise value of $1.6 billion, Sapura said, adding the companies have agreed to continue talks on an exclusive basis.     Sapura shares rose as much as 4.5 percent after the announcement, which comes weeks after the firm said it was planning to raise 4 billion ringgit ($963.86 million) through a proposed rights issue, in a bid to boost its financial position and pare down debt.     Sapura has a market capitalisation of about $484.5 million, while OMV has a valuation of about $16.9 billion, Thomson Reuters data shows.
