

    中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻9月11日消息,美国化学委员会(ACC)周二表示,美国与国内页岩天然气和天然气液体(NGLs)原料供应相关的化工和塑料产业的投资已经超过2000亿美元。
    ACC CEO卡尔.杜利表示:“这对于美国化工业来说是一个令人兴奋的里程碑,并进一步显示页岩气是美国制造业发展的强劲动力。美国仍然是全球化工制造业最具有投资吸引力的地方。”
    ACC指出:“关税和配额等贸易保护政策将增加输入成本,抑制创新和经济增长,最终将导致美国竞争优势的减弱。”     张春晓 摘译自 ICIS     原文如下:     US shale-related chem industry investments hit $200bn – ACC     US chemical and plastics industry investment related to shale-based domestic supplies of natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) has surpassed $200bn, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) said on Tuesday.     A total of 333 chemical projects worth an accumulative $202.4bn have been announced since 2010, the ACC said.     Of those, 53% complete or underway, the ACC said, while 41% of projects are still in the planning phase.     “This is an exciting milestone for American chemistry and further evidence that shale gas is a powerful engine of manufacturing growth,” ACC CEO Cal Dooley said. “The US remains the most attractive place in the world to invest in chemical manufacturing.”     ACC analysis showed that $202.4bn in capital spending could lead to $292.0bn/year in new chemical and plastics industry output.     The ACC noted that the US chemical industry’s competitiveness hinges on its robust supply of NGLs. US crackers rely predominantly on gas-based ethane and other NGLs, while much of the world relies on oil-based naphtha.     Caution should be taken with the data, the ACC said, as US manufacturers often rely on foreign inputs.     “Protectionist trade policies such as tariffs and quotas unnecessarily raise the costs of those inputs, deter innovation and economic growth, and could ultimately weaken our country’s competitive advantage,” the ACC said.
