

    中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月11日华盛顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周二在其9月份短期能源展望报告中表示,由于预计美国国内天然气消费量将增加而国内天然气产量将下降,EIA日前上调了其对今年剩余时间内美国天然气现货价格的预期。     在9月份的短期能源展望中,EIA把其对美国今年第4季度可供市场直接销售的天然气日产量的预测下调了2.1亿立方英尺至894.1亿立方英尺。     EIA在报告中还把第三季度天然气日产量预测下调了1.9亿立方英尺至883.7亿立方英尺,并把该机构对美国全年天然气日产量的预测下调1.3亿立方英尺至871.7亿立方英尺。     然而,EIA预计美国今年干气平均日产量将增加10%,达到创纪录的810亿立方英尺,而2019年的干气产量将继续增长。     李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯     原文如下:     EIA lowers expected Q4 gas marketed production by 0.21 Bcf/d to 89.41 Bcf/d     The US Energy Information Administration Tuesday raised its estimates for spot natural gas prices for the remainder of the year, as it boosted consumption forecasts while trimming back its estimates for production.     In its Short-Term Energy Outlook for September, EIA lowered by 0.21 Bcf/d to 89.41 Bcf/d its natural gas marketed production estimate for the US in fourth-quarter 2018. It also lowered its Q3 production forecast by 0.19 Bcf/d to 88.37 Bcf/d, and reduced the agency’s estimate for the full year by 0.13 Bcf/d to 87.17 Bcf/d.     Nonetheless, EIA projected dry natural gas production would rise 10% in 2018 to hit a record-high 81 Bcf/d, with continued growth expected in 2019.
