

    中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月10日新加坡报道, 中东原油基准价格周一保持坚挺,11月交割的原油将于本周开始交易。     交易商表示,一些买家仍在计算现货市场需要购买的成交量和级别,而一些卖家则在观望需求强劲是否会推高价格。     一些交易商还预计,炼油厂对现货原油的需求本月将上升,因他们预计11月原油价格将大幅上涨。     交易员们表示,中国的原油进口需求也强劲反弹,支撑了阿曼相对于迪拜掉期的溢价。     DME Oman对迪拜掉期的溢价周一回落8美分,至每桶1.87美元,上周五触及近2美元的多年高点。     蔡小全 编译自 路透社     原文如下:     Middle East Crude-Benchmarks stay firm in bullish market     Middle East crude benchmarks stayed firm on Monday ahead of trading in November-loading
    barrels that will kick off this week.     Some buyers are still calculating the volumes and grades they need to buy in the spot market
    while some sellers are holding off offers to see if strong demand could push prices higher,
    traders said.     The market is bullish this month because traders expect Iran to reduce exports when U.S.
    sanctions take effect in early November while Asian refiners are preparing to ramp up output
    to meet peak winter demand, they said.     Some traders also expect refiners’ demand for spot barrels to rise this month as they
    forecast a big jump in term crude prices for November.
