中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦9月7日消息,上游乙烷原料成本的大幅上涨驱动美国乙烯现货价格创下过去半年的新高,9月6日美国乙烯现货价格上涨至19.25美分/磅(424美元/吨)。 9月6日,9月份即月乙烯现货交易价格从上周8月份即月乙烯现货交易价格16.25美分/磅的基础上大幅上涨。 美国乙烯现货价格的大幅上涨主要是受到上游乙烷原料价格大幅上涨的驱动,美国乙烷原料价格从上周结
束时的40.625美分/加仑上涨至44.75美分/加仑。乙烷是美国大多数裂解装置的原料。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下: US spot ethylene hits six-month high on soaring feedstock
US spot ethylene traded at 19.25 cents/lb ($424/tonne) on Thursday, as a spike in upstream
ethane costs drove ethylene spot prices to a six-month high.
The front-month September ethylene trade on Thursday was up sharply from front-month August
ethylene trades at 16.25 cents/lb in the previous week.
The increase was largely driven by a spike in prices for upstream ethane, which rose to
44.750 cents/gal from 40.625 cents/gal at the close of last week. Ethane is the most common
cracker feedstock in the US.