中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月7日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯反垄断监管机构的官员日前表示,该机构将建议更改液化石油气(LPG)的出口关税,使其相当于石脑油的出口关税。 俄罗斯联邦反垄断局时下正在寻求稳定LPG的价格。今年迄今为止,俄罗斯的LPG价格已上涨了三分之一,原因是考虑到其出口关税较低(其中有几个月出口税为零),俄罗斯企业更倾向于出口LPG。 在世界市场(俄罗斯国内LNG出口税与世界市场挂钩)LPG价格上涨以后,俄罗斯从8月1日起恢复了对LPG征收出口税。从2015年初开始的三年多时间里,俄罗斯LPG的出口税一直为零。 俄罗斯9月份将以两种方式对LPG出口征税:俄罗斯9月份丙烷-丁烷混合LPG的出口税为每吨8.6美元,而俄罗斯9月份LPG清洁馏分出口税为每吨3.4美元。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Russian watchdog seeks to equalize export tax for LPG, naphtha
Russia’s antimonopoly watchdog is proposing to change the export duty for liquefied petroleum gas, a product used in the petrochemical industry and as a substitute for gasoline, making it equal to naphtha’s export duty, the watchdog’s official said.
The Federal Antimonopoly Service is seeking to stabilize prices for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which have risen by a third so far this year as companies preferred to export LPG given a low – or in some months zero – export duty.
Russia returned to an export duty on LPG from Aug. 1 after prices rose on world markets, to which domestic LPG taxation is linked. The export duty was zero for more than three years from early 2015.
Russia taxes LPG exports in two ways: propane-butane blend LPG-EXPDTY-RU is facing a tax of $8.6 per tonne in September while LPG clean fractions BUT-EXPDTY-RU are taxed at $3.4 per tonne this month.