
伴随对热带风暴担心减弱 油价上涨放缓

    中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月5日纽约报道称,周二纽约商品交易所(NYMEX)10月原油期货收高7美分至69.87美元/桶,因为热带风暴戈登(Gordon)预计将避开墨西哥湾沿岸的主要石油基础设施。     洲际交易所(ICE) 11月布伦特原油期货收高2美分至78.17美元/桶。NYMEX 10月无铅汽油(RBOB)下跌28点至1.9942美元/加仑,而10月超低硫柴油(ULSD)收高1.16美分至2.2547美元/加仑。     埃克森美孚公司位于路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市的日产量为50.2,5万桶的炼油厂正在密切关注热带风暴戈登,预计超过12英寸的降雨量将导致洪水泛滥。     尽管如此,原油期货在周二收盘时失去了早期动力,NYMEX原油期货价格一路上涨至71.23美元/桶,而ICE布伦特原油期货价格早盘触及79.72美元/桶。     “在墨西哥湾沿岸地区有一些活动,”传统能源研究副总裁Gene McGillian在谈及戈登风暴时说。“但我对市场的强劲势头感到有些困惑,因为供应没有受到真正的威胁。”     徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯     原文如下:     Oil rally slows as tropical storm concerns abate     NYMEX October crude settled 7 cents higher at $69.87/b Tuesday as Tropical Storm Gordon looked set to avoid key Gulf Coast oil infrastructure.     ICE November Brent settled 2 cents higher at $78.17/b. NYMEX October RBOB settled 28 points lower at $1.9942/gal, while October ULSD settled 1.16 cents higher at $2.2547/gal.     ExxonMobil’s 502,500 b/d Baton Rouge, Louisiana, refinery is on watch ahead of TS Gordon, where expected rainfall in excess of 12 inches is expected to cause flash flooding.     Nevertheless, crude futures lost early momentum by the end of Tuesday’s trading, with prompt NYMEX crude having traded as high as $71.23/b and prompt ICE Brent touching $79.72/b early on.     “There’s a little activity down in the Gulf Coast,” Tradition Energy vice president of research Gene McGillian said of TS Gordon. “But I’m a little puzzled by the strength in the market because there is no real threat to supply.”
