

    中国石化新闻网讯 据lubesngreases 网站9月5日报道称,根据美国能源情报署周五公布的数据,美国基础炼油商在2018年上半年高速运转,生产了近3400万桶基础油,是至少25年来的最高水平。观察人士表示,产量有助于使市场饱和。     EIA数据还显示美国基础油进出口均继续增长。从1月到6月出口了2190万桶基础油库存,比2017年同期增长22%。进口量增长8%,达到820万桶。     上半年的总产量包括2900万桶石蜡基库存和499万桶环烷烃。合计量比2017年同期增加10%,2017年炼油商产量为2580万桶石蜡和4.95桶淡色油,共计3080万桶。     徐蕾 摘译自lubesngreases     原文如下:     U.S. Base Oil Output Jumps     U.S. base oil refiners worked in high gear during the first half of 2018, producing nearly 34 million barrels of base stocks – the highest total in at least a quarter century, according to data released Friday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Observers said that output is helping to saturate the market.     The EIA data also shows that U.S. base oil imports and exports both continue to rise. The nation exported 21.9 million barrels of base stocks from January through June, a 22 percent increase from the same period of 2017. Imports jumped 8 percent to 8.2 million barrels.     The production total for the first half included 29 million barrels of paraffinic base stocks and 4.99 million barrels of naphthenics. The combined volume represented a 10 percent increase from the same period of 2017, when refiners produced 25.8 million barrels of paraffinics and 4.95 barrels of pale oils for a total of 30.8 million barrels.
