中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻新加坡9月6日消息,美国能源和石化巨头埃克森美孚公司周四表示,公司正考虑投资数十亿美元在中国广东省新建一化工联合体,包括一套120万吨/年的灵活进料的蒸汽裂解装置以及聚乙烯(PE)和聚丙烯(PP)装置。
美国多数新建裂解装置是使用乙烷作为原料,包括埃克森美孚今年早些时候投产的位于得克萨斯州贝城的150万吨/年的乙烯装置。 然而,埃克森美孚计划中的位于中国的裂解装置可以使用其它原料,包括丙烷、丁烷和石脑油,其中一些已经被包括在加征进口关税清单中。
该项目仍有待最终投资决定(FID)。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下: ExxonMobil mulls cracker, PE and PP plants in China’s Guangdong
ExxonMobil is mulling a “multibillion-dollar” chemical complex in China’s Guangdong, which would include a 1.2m tonne/year flexible feed steam cracker as well as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) units, the US energy and petrochemicals major said on Thursday.
Start-up date is expected for 2023, although the company warned the project’s realisation would depends on its future “competiveness”, as feedstock would need to come mostly from overseas.
Many new crackers in the US – including ExxonMobil’s 1.5m tonne/year ethylene plant that started up earlier this year in Baytown, Texas – use ethane as feedstock.
Ethane has not been included in the Chinese government’s list imposing tariffs on US products as the trade war between the two countries rages on. The US is expected to announce yet more tariffs this week. ExxonMobil has signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Guangdong provincial government to potentially build the complex in the Huizhou Dayawan Petrochemical Industrial Park.
The project remains subject to a final investment decision (FID).