
Flint Hills资源计划扩大Ingleside原油存储终端

    中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦9月4日消息,总部位于得克萨斯州Ingleside的Flint Hills资源公司计划将位于得州Ingleside的原油存储终端的存储和外输装载能力扩大至38万桶/日。     该项目当前包括建设四个原油存储罐,6万桶/小时的装载能力以及相关的泵和管线。该项目预计在2019年10月投用,不过还有待得州的许可批准。     该项目完成后,Ingleside将拥有350万桶-400万桶的原油存储能力。     张春晓摘译自 油气在线
    原文如下:     Flint Hills Resources plans Ingleside expansion     Flint Hills Resources, Ingleside, Tex., plans to expand storage and outbound crude loading
    capacity at its storage terminal in Ingleside, Tex., to 380,000 b/d.     The project currently consists of construction of four crude storage tanks, 60,000 bbl/hr of
    total loading capability, plus the associated pumps and piping. In-service for the project
    is expected by October 2019, subject to state permitting approvals.     Upon completion, Ingleside will have a total crude storage capacity of 3.5–4 million bbl.
