

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月3日伦敦报道,俄罗斯第3大石油公司俄罗斯天然气工业石油公司(
俄气石油/Gazprom Neft)旗下的俄气石油船舶燃料公司(Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker)周一公布的统 计数据显示,俄气石油今年上半年在俄罗斯西北部地区共销售了55.6万吨船用燃料油,同比增长了7.5%。
船用燃料油销量增幅最大的是加里宁格勒和巴尔蒂斯克,船用燃料油销量增长了38%,其次是阿尔汉格尔 斯克(32%)和摩尔曼斯克(14%)。
俄气石油8月份把其在圣彼得堡、乌斯特-卢加、普里莫尔斯克、加里宁格勒和巴尔蒂斯克的低硫船用燃料 油销售量提高了39%,达到了10.08万吨。
含硫量不超过1000 ppm的低粘度燃料油在俄气石油8月份总业务量中所占比例已从2017年的4%升到了18%。
俄气石油船舶燃料公司总经理安德烈•瓦西列夫表示,该公司在俄罗斯北极地区的战略项目以及沿北海航 线运输量的增加推动了该公司船用燃料油销售量的增加。
李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯
Gazprom Neft H1 sales of marine fuel up 7.5% in Northwest Russia Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker, a unit of Russia’s Gazprom Neft, said Monday it sold 556,000 mt of bunker fuel in Northwest Russia in the first half of the year, up 7.5% rise year on year.
The largest rise in sales was at Kaliningrad and Baltisk where sales rose 38%, followed by Arkhangelsk at 32% and Murmansk at 14%.
The company increased its sales of low sulfur bunker fuel 39% to 100,800 mt at St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga, Primorsk, and Kaliningrad and Baltiskt.
The share of low viscosity fuel with a sulfur content of no more than 1,000 ppm in the company’s overall portfolio rose to 18%, from 4% in 2017.
The company’s strategic projects in the Russian Arctic and increases in traffic along the Northern Sea Route contributed to the higher bunker sales, Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker General Director Andrei Vasilev said.
