

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站8月31日休斯顿报道,日本第3大炼油企业出光兴产株式会社(出光兴 产/idemitsu Kosan Co.Ltd.)日前在其位于日本爱知县知多市的16万桶/天爱知炼油厂内投产了一个生产 混合二甲苯的新装置。
运营商出光兴产说,包括改造后的汽油二甲苯回收设备在内的混合二甲苯装置是在本月初开始商业运行的 。
出光兴产说,生产混合二甲苯装置具有年产17万吨混合二甲苯的能力,这个新装置不仅有助于石化业务的 扩张,而且还能灵活应对石油产品和石化原料供需不断变化的趋势。
出光兴产表示,混合二甲苯装置是爱知炼油厂根据出光兴产第5个综合中期管理计划安装各种新设备的一 部分,该计划要求推广其燃料制化学品业务。
李峻 编译自 OGJ
Idemitsu Kosan commissions unit at Aichi refinery Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd. has commissioned a unit for production of mixed xylenes at its 160,000-b/d Aichi refinery in Chita, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
Commercial operation of the mixed xylene equipment—which includes reformed gasoline xylene recovery equipment—began earlier this month, the operator said.
With a mixed xylene production capacity of 170,000 tonnes/year, the new equipment not only will contribute to expansion of the petrochemical business but also will enable flexibility to deal with changing supply and demand trend of petroleum products and petrochemical raw materials, Idemitsu Kosan said.
The refinery used to extract mixed xylenes through distilled separation of aromatic ingredients in gasoline.
The mixed xylenes unit comes as part of installation of various new equipment at the Aichi refinery under Idemitsu Kosan’s fifth consolidated medium-term management plan, which calls for promotion of its fuel-to-chemicals business, the company said.
