中国石化新闻网讯 据亚洲润滑油网9月3日消息,日本三井化学表示,公司计划在日本新建第二套乙烯α 烯烃粘度改良剂装置。此举将令公司的这种润滑油添加剂产能翻番。
张春晓 摘译自 亚洲润滑油网
Mitsui Chemicals Doubles Additive Capacity Japan’s Mitsui Chemicals plans to build a second plant in Japan for the production of its ethylene alpha olefin viscosity modifiers, according to a press release issued last week. This move will double the company’s capacity to make the fluids. The new facility will be located in Ichihara, in eastern Japan, have a capacity of 20,000 tons per year, and is expected to open in February 2021.