

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日原油价格网站8月31日报道,根据该国石油部的一份声明,印度的天然气产量预计将在未来四年翻一番。如果按预期继续增长,到2022年天然气产量将达到惊人的20亿立方米(这是一个令人印象深刻的数字,特别是与上个财政年度国家生产的35亿立方米天然气相比)。这一发展在很大程度上要归功于一项全面的政府计划,即将次大陆从其作为世界第三大石油消费国的荣誉转移,转而转向以天然气为基础的经济方向。 除了生产和使用量的大幅增长之外,专家们还预测印度主要生产商本身的构成将发生重大转变。到目前为止,天然气开采业一直由印度国有勘探公司石油天然气公司(ONGC)主导。事实上,这家单一公司在上一财年的印度天然气总产量中占据了惊人的24.2亿立方米,即68%。相比之下,私营公司及其合资企业仅负责7.9亿立方米。然而,展望未来,预计这种动态将大幅波动。到2022年,私人和合资企业可能会占到40.3亿立方米,从而在历史性的不安中领先于印度石油天然气公司。 李方征 编译自 今日原油价格 India’s NatGas Production Is Expected To Double India’s natural gas production is projected to double in the next four years, according to a statement by the country’s oil ministry. If growth continues as predicted, natural gas production will hit a whopping 2 billion cubic meter (bcm) by 2022 (an impressive number, especially when compared to the 35 bcm of natural gas the nation produced in the last financial year). This development is thanks in large part to a sweeping government plan to shift the subcontinent away from its accolade as the world’s third biggest oil consumer, instead moving in the direction of a gas-based economy. In addition to a major spike in production and usage, experts are also predicting a major shift in the makeup of India’s major producers themselves. Until now, the natural gas extraction industry has been dominated by Indian state-owned exploration company Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC). In fact, this single company accounted for a staggering 24.2 bcm, or 68 percent, of India’s total natural gas production in the last fiscal year. By comparison, private firms and their joint ventures were only responsible for 7.9 bcm. However, going forward, this dynamic is expected to flip by a dramatic margin. By 2022, private and joint ventures may account for as much as 40.3 bcm, thereby taking the lead over ONGC in a historic upset.
