
美国钻井平台原油期货走低 欧佩克供应增加

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯新加坡9月3日消息称,由于美国石油钻井平台数量小幅上升并继续关注全球供应增加,周一上午亚洲原油期货走低。 新加坡时间上午10:30,洲际交易所最新数据显示11月布伦特原油期货价格从上周五的收盘价77.37美元/桶下跌27美分/桶(0.35%),而NYMEX 10月轻质低硫原油期货价格下跌20美分/桶(0.29%),报69.60美元/桶。 Baker Hughes周五公布的数据显示,截至8月31日的一周,美国石油钻井平台数量由2台增加到862台。 二叠纪盆地的钻井数量占总数的486,连续第四周,西德克萨斯/新墨西哥州盆地的钻井数量在485-486范围内,为44个月以来的最高点。由于当时全球油价下跌,该 数据自2014年10月/ 11月的562回落后,于2015年1月初达到此水平。 周五公布的经济、贸易和行业数据显示,7月份日本石油进口连续第三个月增长,同比增长9.6%,至183,560桶/日。 此外,欧佩克消息人士周五告诉普氏能源资讯,沙特阿拉伯8月份的石油日产量较7月份自报的10288万桶增加13.6万桶。。 市场一直在密切关注沙特的产量,因为它占据了全球大部分闲置产能,并已表明愿意成为世界主要的原油生产调解者。 此外,根据国家主干供油管道和港口码头运营商Transneft的初步数据,8月份俄罗斯主要出口港口的原油出口量环比增长近10%,原因是在欧佩克/非欧佩克联盟的决定支持下,石油生产商加大了产量。 曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Crude oil futures lower on US rig count, OPEC supply increase Crude oil futures were lower during mid-morning trade in Asia Monday amid a slight uptick in the US oil rig count and continued focus on global supply increases. At 10:30 am Singapore time (0230 GMT), the new front-month ICE November Brent crude futures was down 27 cents/b (0.35%) from Friday’s settle at $77.37/b, while the NYMEX October light sweet crude contract was down 20 cents/b (0.29%) at $69.60/b. Data released by Baker Hughes Friday showed the US oil rig count rose by 2 to 862 in the week ended August 31. The rig count in the Permian Basin comprised 486 of the total, the fourth week in a row the West Texas/New Mexico basin’s rig count has been in the 485-486 range, a 44-month high. The count was last at this level in early January 2015, after retreating from 562 in October/November 2014 due to the fall in global oil prices at the time. Moreover, Saudi Arabia saw its oil production rise 136,000 b/d in August from a self-reported production figure of 10.288 million b/d in July, an OPEC source told S&P Global Platts on Friday. The market has been closely watching Saudi production, as it holds the bulk of global spare capacity and has indicated its willingness to serve as the world’s primary swing producer. OPEC on June 23 agreed with 10 non-OPEC partners to end over-compliance with production cuts and boost output by a collective 1 million b/d to replace barrels expected to be shut in by the US sanctions on Iran and Venezuela’s economic free fall. Elsewhere, crude exports via Russia’s key export ports in August rose almost 10% month on month, according to preliminary data from Transneft, the operator of national trunk oil pipelines and port terminals, as producers ramped up output on the back of the OPEC/non-OPEC coalition’s decision.​
