中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月3日安曼报道,根据伊拉克石油部周六公布的最新统计数据,欧佩克第二大产油国伊拉克8月份把其南部原油日出口数量提高到了创纪录的358.3万桶。 周六公布的统计数据显示,由于欧佩克履行了向市场投放更多石油协议,伊拉克原油日出口量自7月份以来已增加了4万桶。 自欧佩克及其主要非欧佩克盟国6月份同意放弃其产量配额以来,伊拉克的石油出口量一直在上升。数据显示,在过去3个月里,伊拉克的石油日产量平均为354.9万桶。这一数字比今年前5个月每天增加了10.9万桶。 尽管今年年初以来,Khor al-Amaya终端的货运一直处于暂停状态,但伊拉克南部终端的原油出口却出现了增长。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iraq’s Aug southern crude oil exports hit new record high of 3.853 million b/d
OPEC’s second-largest producer, Iraq, boosted its southern crude oil exports to a new record high of 3.583 million b/d in August, according to the latest oil ministry data. This is up 40,000 b/d from July, the data showed Saturday, as the producer group follows through on its agreement to release more barrels into the market.
Iraqi exports have been rising since OPEC and key non-OPEC allies agreed in June to abandon their production quotas, averaging 3.549 million b/d over the last three months. This is up 109,000 b/d from the first five months of 2018, the data showed.
The rise in exports from Iraq’s southern terminals came despite the ongoing continuing suspension of loadings from the Khor al-Amaya terminal.