

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社报道,有消息人士在周三表示,根据一份委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)的内部文件显示,委内瑞拉主要石油出口港口的一个码头的关闭,可能导致向俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)交付500万桶原油的时间推迟,这使得PDVSA和Rosneft之间的石油换贷款协议进一步复杂化。 上周末发生的油轮相撞事故迫使PDVSA停止了在何塞港南码头的运营,在损失修复之前,主要减少对俄罗斯石油公司、美国瓦莱罗能源公司和雪佛龙公司的计划发货量。 PDVSA今年的出口合同已经落后,如果它不能恢复生产和出口能力,就有可能在不可抗力的情况下临时取消发货。 今年4月,Rosneft和PDVSA签署了一项再融资协议,目的是让PDVSA能够通过向Rosneft提供更多的原油来弥补延迟的贷款付款,该文件详细介绍了委内瑞拉的石油出口情况,Rosneft当时正在利用何塞的南码头提货。 根据4月份的协议,PDVSA计划每月向Rosneft运送400万桶(每天13.3万桶)重质原油。 这位不愿透露姓名的消息人士说:“这个月没有南港码头就无法运送所有的原油。” 在8月的前三周, PDVSA向Rosneft在印度的一个子公司运送了193万桶稀释原油(DCO)。文件显示,8月份的交货期超过200万桶,9月初还计划再增加运输量。 据路透社的数据,2018年上半年,委内瑞拉的原油出口从2017年同期的165万桶下降到122万桶。由于缺乏投资、与债权人的法律纠纷以及美国政府对PDVSA的制裁,7月份该国的产量降至60多年来的最低水平。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下:​ Venezuela’s port woes stall oil exports to Rosneft The closing of a dock at Venezuela’s main oil export port could delay as much as 5 million barrels in crude deliveries to Russian company Rosneft, further complicating oil-for-loan agreements between state-run PDVSA and Rosneft, a source said on Wednesday and internal PDVSA documents showed. A tanker collision at the weekend forced Venezuela’s PDVSA [PDVSA.UL] to halt operations at Jose port’s South dock, curtailing planned shipments mainly for Rosneft, and for U.S. firms Valero Energy and Chevron Corp until damages can be repaired. PDVSA has fallen behind on its export contracts this year, raising the prospect of temporary cancellation of shipments under force majeure if it cannot recover production and export capacity. In April, Rosneft and PDVSA signed a refinancing agreement designed to allow the Venezuelan company to catch up on delayed loan payments by delivering more crude to Rosneft, according to the source and the PDVSA documents, which detailed Venezuela’s oil exports. The Russian company was using Jose’s South dock to pick up the cargoes. PDVSA was scheduled to deliver 4 million barrels per month (133,000 barrels per day) of heavy crude to Rosneft under the April agreement. “There’s no way to deliver all those barrels this month without the South dock,” said the source, who requested anonymity. In the first three weeks of August, PDVSA delivered 1.93 million barrels of diluted crude oil (DCO) bound for India to a unit of Rosneft. More than 2 million barrels are pending for August delivery and additional barrels were planned for early September, according to the documents. Venezuela’s crude exports fell in the first half of 2018 to 1.22 million bpd from 1.65 million bpd in the same period of 2017, according to Reuters data. The country’s production in July fell to its lowest level in over 60 years because of a lack of investment, legal disputes with creditors and sanctions imposed by the U.S. government on PDVSA.  
