

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月30日迪拜报道,据路透社了解到的一份纲领草案显示,欧佩克和非欧佩克产油国将计划在今年晚些时候通过批准一项协议,使它们的长期合作正式化。 自2017年以来,俄罗斯和其他几个非欧佩克国家加入了欧佩克产油国的行列,削减了石油产量。此举帮助将油价从每桶不到30美元涨至80美元。 莫斯科和利雅得表示,即使在石油市场企稳、当前减产协议到期后,它们仍希望保持密切合作。 将于今年晚些时候由欧佩克和非欧佩克部长讨论的这份纲领草案表示,其根本目标是协调旨在稳定石油市场的政策,以符合产油国、消费者、投资者和全球经济的利益。 该纲领还旨在促进参与者对石油市场基本面有更好理解,并长期促进石油和天然气在全球能源组合中的地位。 该组织表示,与会国家的部长应每年举行一次会议,而专家应每年举行两次会议。部长们应提出行动建议,包括国家元首可能举行的首脑峰会。 纲领秘书处将由在维也纳的欧佩克秘书处主持,但将是独立的。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: OPEC, non-OPEC seek to formalise oil policy coordination OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers will aim to formalise their long-term cooperation later this year by approving a charter that will make possible further joint action on output, according to a draft charter seen by Reuters. Russia and several other non-OPEC countries have joined OPEC producers in reducing oil output since 2017 in a move that has helped raise oil prices to $80 per barrel from less than $30. Moscow and Riyadh have said they want to maintain a close level of cooperation even after the oil market stabilises and the current output reduction deal expires. The draft charter, to be discussed by OPEC and non-OPEC minister later this year, said its fundamental objective is to coordinate policies aimed at stabilising oil markets in the interest of producers, consumers, investors and the global economy. The charter also aims to promote better understanding of oil market fundamentals among participants as well as to promote oil and gas in the global energy mix for the long term. It said ministers of participating countries shall meet once a year while experts should meet twice a year. The ministers shall propose actions including possible summits by heads of state. The charter’s secretariat will be hosted by the OPEC secretariat in Vienna but will be independent.
