

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月30日报道,石油和天然气勘探者卡那封石油公司(Carnarvon Petroleum)星期四表示,多拉多(Dorado)已探明和可能存在的轻质石油储量估计有1.71亿桶,使其成为澳大利亚西部发现的第三大石油储量区。 卡那封石油公司持有该油田20%的股份,其余股份归象限能源公司所有,象限能源将由桑托斯公司接管。 象限和卡那封本月早些时候透露了油田的发现,称其“真是太不可思议了”。 卡那封在一份声明中表示,dorado-1发现的石油当量总量为2.83亿桶,其中包括天然气和凝析油。 “对于澳大利亚地质学家们来说,多拉多是20年来最令人兴奋的事情。它是40年来最大也可能是最有价值的石油发现之一。”瑞士信贷分析师Saul Kavonic说。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下:​ Carnarvon says Dorado oil find estimated to hold 171 mln barrels Oil and gas explorer Carnarvon Petroleum said on Thursday the Dorado oil find is estimated to hold 171 million barrels of proven and probable light oil reserves, making it the third biggest oil find off Western Australia. Carnarvon holds a 20 percent stake in the field, with the remainder owned by Quadrant Energy, which is set to be taken over by Santos Ltd. Quadrant and Carnarvon revealed the discovery of the oil field earlier this month, describing it as “truly incredible”. Carnarvon said in a statement that the Dorado-1 find consists of a total resource of 283 million barrels of oil equivalent, which includes gas and condensate. “Dorado is amongst the most exciting things to happen for Australian geologists in 20 years. It is amongst the biggest and potentially most valuable oil discoveries in 40 years,” Credit Suisse analyst Saul Kavonic said.  
