

中国石化新闻网讯 据钻井网8月29日报道称,总部位于意大利的综合企业埃尼公司(Eni S.p.A.)周三宣布,该公司已从卡勒斯阿拉斯加勘探公司(Caelus Alaska exploration Co., LLC)手中收购了位于阿拉斯加北坡东段的124份勘探租约。 埃尼在通过电子邮件发给Rigzone的一份声明中指出,在巨大的普拉德霍湾油田东南方向的东部勘探区(EEA)中,大约有35万英亩陆地面积。该公司补充说,新收购的面积位于Deadhorse镇东南约20英里处,毗邻现有的基础设施和跨阿拉斯加管道系统(TAPS)。 徐蕾 摘译自 钻井网 原文如下: Eni Acquires Leases on Alaska’s Eastern North Slope Eni S.p.A. has acquired 124 exploration leases in the Eastern North Slope of Alaska from Caelus Alaska Exploration Co., LLC, the Italy-based integrated firm announced Wednesday. In a statement emailed to Rigzone, Eni noted that approximately 350,000 onshore acres are located in the Eastern Exploration Area (EEA) southeast of the giant Prudhoe Bay oil field. The newly acquired acreage is located approximately 20 miles southeast of the town of Deadhorse and boasts close proximity to existing infrastructure as well as the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), the company added.
