

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气8月29日报道称,日本JERA和法国电力贸易公司(EDF Trading)的LNG贸易和优化业务的整合得到了欧盟委员会的认可。 由JERA和电力贸易共同控制的实体JERA Trading已获得欧盟委员会批准收购英国的电力贸易有限公司(EDF Trading Limited)。委员会的结论是,拟议的收购不会引起竞争上的担忧,因为它不会导致任何重叠。 根据今年7月签署的协议,两家公司同意将其LNG优化和交易活动合并到JERA Trading中,JERA Trading将成为JERA和EDF的独家优化器,管理他们的短中期LNG优化活动。 通过合作伙伴关系,JERA和EDF旨在更好地定位公司,以应对日本和欧洲LNG需求的不确定性。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: European Commission approves JERA, EDF LNG trading JV The integration of the liquefied natural gas trading and optimization businesses of Japan’s JERA and France’s EDF Trading has received the green light from the European Commission. JERA Trading, an entity controlled jointly by JERA and EDF Trading, has been given the European Commission’s approval to acquire EDF Trading Limited of the United Kingdom.
The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would not raise competition concerns, because it does not result in any overlaps. Under the deal signed in July this year, the two companies agreed to combine their LNG optimization and trading activities into JERA Trading which will become the exclusive optimizer for JERA and EDF, managing their collective short and medium term LNG optimization activity. Through the partnership both JERA and EDF aim to better position the company to respond to the uncertainties of LNG demand in Japan and Europe.
