

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气8月28日报道称,香农液化天然气(Shannon LNG)表示,它已与新堡垒能源(New Fortress Energy)达成协议,将在爱尔兰克里郡的香农河口开发已经拟议的液化天然气终端项目。 香农液化天然气公司计划在嘉里县香农河口的一个地点建设一个液化天然气进口终端。从远洋油轮接收的液化天然气将重新气化,通过连接到Foynes的26公里管道输送到爱尔兰国家天然气网。 香农液化天然气在一份声明中表示,该项目已经获得了所有必要的规划和开发许可。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Shannon LNG picks New Fortress Energy for terminal development Shannon LNG said it has entered into an agreement with New Fortress Energy to develop the proposed LNG terminal project on the Shannon Estuary in County Kerry, Ireland. Shannon LNG proposes to construct an LNG import terminal on a site on the Shannon Estuary in County Kerry. LNG received from ocean-going tankers will be regasified and delivered into the national gas network in Ireland via the connected 26 km pipeline to a connection at Foynes. The project has acquired all the necessary planning and permitting approvals for its development, Shannon LNG said in a statement.
