中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月29日新德里报道,国际能源署(IEA)总干事表示,由于需求强劲和一些产油国生产的不确定性,全球石油市场可能在今年年底前收紧。 国际能源机构的Fatih Birol周三在与印度石油部长Dharmendra Pradhan会面后对路透社表示,”肯定有一些人担心,石油市场可能在年底前收紧,而印度和其他主要石油进口国需要做好准备。” 他表示,石油市场可能会趋紧,因为“需求增长非常强劲,一个主要问题是委内瑞拉的石油生产正在崩溃”。 他表示,委内瑞拉的石油产量在过去两年里下降了一半,并补充称,包括中东国家在内的一些国家也存在“生产脆弱性”。 Birol周一告诉路透,委内瑞拉的石油产量在近年来下降了一半之后,预计将进一步下跌。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: IEA sees oil markets tightening towards end of 2018 Global oil markets could tighten towards the end of this year due to strong demand and uncertainty of production in some oil producing nations, the head of the International Energy Agency said. “Definitely there are some worries that oil markets can tighten towards the end of this year and as major oil importing countries India and other countries need to be ready,” IEA’s Fatih Birol told Reuters on Wednesday after a meeting with India’s Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan. He said oil markets could tighten due to “very strong demand growth and a major problem is that Venezuelan production is collapsing”. Venezuelan production has halved in the last two years, he said, adding there was also “fragility of production” in countries including those in the Middle East. Birol on Monday told Reuters that Venezuela’s oil production was expected to slide further after falling by half in recent years.