中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月29日拉各斯报道,尼日利亚国家石油公司(NNPC)周三表示,该公司计划进行一项可行性研究,以建立两个每天总产能为20万桶的凝析炼油厂。
NNPC总经理Maikanti Baru表示,该委员会已收到愿意为NNPC进行可行性研究的公司的投标。
非洲首富Aliko Dangote正在拉各斯附近建造一个65万桶/日的精炼厂,这将满足尼日利亚目前的需求,也将用于出口。
然而,知情人士对路透社表示,现任总统拒绝了目前形式的具有里程碑意义的石油工业改革法案,并将其发回议会,讨论涉及NNPC管理层的部分。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Nigeria’s NNPC to conduct feasibility study for oil refinery Nigeria’s state oil company plans to conduct a feasibility study for setting up two condensate refineries with a total capacity of 200,000 barrels per day (bpd), it said on Wednesday. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) said in a statement it planned to set up the condensate refineries in partnership with private partners in the southern states of Delta and Imo. Maikanti Baru, NNPC’s managing director, said the commission had received bids from companies willing to conduct the feasibility study for the NNPC. Nigeria currently has a 445,000 bpd refining system which operates well below capacity due to mismanagement and lack of investment, forcing the NNPC to import the bulk of the country’s gasoline. Baru said the condensate project was part of strategies aimed at eliminating imports of petroleum products and guaranteeing energy security in Nigeria. Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, is building a 650,000 bpd refinery near Lagos, which would meet Nigeria’s current demand and also for export. NNPC will seek partners to invest in the project, Baru said, adding the initiative would increase NNPC’s refining capacity to 645,000 bpd. The state oil company could cede control in the project, he said. Legislation aimed at overhauling Nigeria’s oil industry will, when implemented, mean the NNPC will be governed by company law, which will ensure stability and transparency, Baru said. However, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters the presidency had rebuffed the landmark oil industry reform bill in its current form and sent it back to parliament over sections that deal with management of the NNPC.