中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦8月27日消息,美国埃克森美孚公司周一批露了在得克萨斯州贝城新建装置计划的细节,并表示其中一套装置将生产Vistamaxx共聚物,第二套装置将生产线性α烯烃(LAO)。
如果埃克森美孚决定推进该项目,预计将在2021年底建成投产。 唐绍红 摘译自 安迅思新闻
US ExxonMobil considers Vistamaxx, LAO plants in Baytown US-based producer ExxonMobil revealed on Monday details of a proposal to build to new units at its complex in Baytown, Texas, saying that one of them will produce its Vistamaxx copolymer and the second will produce linear alpha olefins (LAO). The Vistamaxx plant would have a capacity of about 400,000 tonnes/year, the company said. The LAO plant would represent the company’s entry into this market, ExxonMobil said. The unit would produce about 350,000 tonnes/year of the product. ExxonMobil expects to make a final investment decision (FID) in the first half of 2019, the company said. Such a decision would depend on environmental permits, market conditions and economic competitiveness, among other factors. If ExxonMobil proceeds with the project, operations should start in late 2021.