

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源咨询墨西哥城8月28日消息,墨西哥国家石油公司Pemex周一表示,7月份公司的石油产量环比上月减少5400桶/日,降至184万桶/日,与去年同期相比减少14.5万桶/日,主要是因为墨西哥南部的成熟油田产量减少。
自2004年产量达到340万桶/日的历史峰值以来,墨国油的石油产量持续下降。墨国油仍然是墨西哥最为主要的油气生产商,因为自2013年12月墨西哥能源改革以来,私有公司的产量并没有出现显著增加。 唐绍红 摘译自 普氏能源咨询
Mexican Pemex’s oil output falls 145,000 b/d on year in July amid declines at aging fields Mexican state oil company Pemex said Monday its oil production dipped 5,400 b/d month on month to 1.840 million b/d in July, and was down 145,000 b/d year on year, due to a decrease in production at mature fields in southern Mexico. Pemex’s production has been in constant decline since peaking at 3.4 million b/d in 2004. The company is still mainly responsible for Mexico’s oil and gas output as no significant production has been added by private companies since the country ended its state monopoly over the energy sector in December 2013.
