

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月27日报道称,贸易消息人士周一称,印度石油天然气公司(ONGC Videsh)已通过招标,以每桶1.30- 1.40美元的溢价向迪拜出售100万桶阿布扎比达斯原油。 他们表示,9月28日至30日装载的石油将被授予嘉能可。 他们估计价格会比官方售价(OSP)低约70美分一桶。 今年早些时候,由印度石油天然气公司领导的财团赢得了阿布扎比国家石油公司(Abu Dhabi National Oil Co .)海上石油特许权10%的股份。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India’s ONGC Videsh sells Sept Abu Dhabi Das crude to Glencore Indian explorer ONGC Videsh has sold 1 million barrels of Abu Dhabi Das crude at a premium of $1.30-$1.40 a barrel to Dubai quotes via a tender, trade sources said on Monday. The oil to be loaded on Sept. 28-30 was awarded to Glencore, they said. They estimated that the price would be about 70 cents a barrel below the grade’s official selling price (OSP). A consortium led by ONGC Videsh won a 10 percent stake in Abu Dhabi National Oil Co’s offshore oil concession earlier this year.  
