中国石化新闻网讯 据委内瑞拉Petroleumworld 网站8月23日里约热内卢报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司麾下的巴西分公司首席执行官安德烈•阿劳霍日前在里约热内卢接受媒体记者采访时表示,该公司时下正在评估巴西国家电力公司将被拍卖的资产,这些资产将作为巴西这家国有公用事业公司削减债务和私有化计划的一部分出售。 阿劳霍在采访中还告诉媒体记者,壳牌公司正在考虑参加巴西政府即将举行的风能领域的项目拍卖。 李峻 编译自 石油世界 原文如下: Shell evaluating potential purchase of Eletrobras assets Royal Dutch Shell’s Brazil chief said on Wednesday that the company is evaluating the assets of Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA’s that are being put up for sale as part of the state-owned utility’s debt reduction and privatization plans.
Andre Araujo also told reporters that the company was considering participating in an upcoming Brazilian government auction for projects in the wind energy sector.