中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站8月26日休斯敦报道,挪威国家石油理事会(NPD)日前批准了位于挪威大陆架由挪威著名石油公司Equinor担任作业者的奥塞贝格H设施在9月份启动油气生产。 奥塞贝格油田的开发把可采储量提高了1760万标准立方米油当量,其中石油为9.9标准立方米以及天然气为78亿标准立方米。 新的无人井口平台是北海奥塞贝格维斯特夫兰肯2开发项目的一部分。奥塞贝格维斯特夫兰肯2的开发和运营计划在2016年获得批准。除了奥塞贝格 H设施及其相关管道和控制管缆,这个计划还包括继续使用G4水下模板以及对奥塞贝格油田中心的修改。 据悉,在9.84亿美元的PDO中的总计划投资已减少到了7.8亿美元。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: NPD okays September start of Oseberg H The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has consented to the September production start of the Equinor-operated Oseberg H facility on the Norwegian Shelf. The development increases the recoverable reserves in Oseberg by 17.6 million standard cu m of oil equivalent—9.9 standard cu m of oil and 7.8 billion standard cu m of gas.
The new unmanned wellhead platform is part of the Oseberg Vestflanken 2 development project in the North Sea. The plan for development and operation for Oseberg Vestflanken 2 was approved in 2016. In addition to Oseberg H with its associated pipelines and umbilical, the plan includes continued use of the G4 subsea template, along with modifications on the Oseberg field center. Total planned investments in the PDO of $984 million have been reduced to $780 million.