中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站8月26日休斯顿报道,根据汤森路透的统计数据,委内瑞拉7月份对美国的原油日出口量在前三个月上升以后下降到了49.44万桶,这表明委内瑞拉国家石油公司(委国油/PDVSA)的原油产量受到其资产被扣押的影响。
李峻 编译自
Venezuela’s Crude Sales to U.S. Fall in July
Venezuela’s crude exports to the United States declined to 494,400 barrels per day (bpd) in July after rising the prior three months, showing the impact of asset seizures against state-run oil firm PDVSA, according to Thomson Reuters data.
July was the first month crude exports fell below 500,000 bpd since the months of January through March.
U.S. oil producer ConocoPhillips (COP) in May began seizing PDVSA’s overseas assets in an attempt to collect on a $2 billion arbitration award. Its legal actions have left PDVSA with no access to most of its Caribbean terminals, restricting the company’s already dwindling exports.
Most of PDVSA’s customers in the United States, where flows of Venezuelan oil have also been affected in the last year.In July, 30 cargoes of Venezuelan crude arrived at U.S. ports, compared with 33 in June. The volumes in July were 12 percent lower than the prior month and 22.5 percent below the same month a year earlier, according to the data.