中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社8月27日报道,据知情人士透露,埃克森美孚一直在寻求购买可再生能源,以便在德克萨斯州交付。 美国最大的石油公司在6月8日截止日期前发出了一份提案请求,邀请太阳能或风电供应商签订可能持续12年,15年或20年的合同,根据彭博社获得的一份文件和知情人士被称为讨论机密事项。位于德克萨斯州欧文市的埃克森美孚正在寻求至少100兆瓦的电力,并将考虑超过250兆瓦的建议。 “我从未见过一家石油和天然气公司在任何接近这个规模的公司PPA公司,”纽约彭博新能源财经分析师Kyle Harrison表示,他指的是用于购买电力的电力购买协议。“如果你看到最大的石油和天然气公司走出去并投资清洁能源,它表明可再生能源具有成本竞争力。这可以成为他们在不遭受经济损失的情况下表现出对可持续发展的承诺的一种方式。“ 埃克森美孚拒绝发表评论。目前尚不清楚该公司是否与任何供应商达成了购买该电源的协议,也不知道该公司是否在寻求自用电力。 李方征 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: Exxon to seek wind, solar power delivery in Texas Exxon Mobil has been looking to buy renewable energy for delivery in Texas, according to people familiar with the matter. The largest U.S. oil company sent out a request for proposals with a June 8 deadline, inviting solar or wind power suppliers to pitch contracts that would last 12, 15 or 20 years, according to a document obtained by Bloomberg and people with knowledge who asked not to be named discussing confidential matters. Exxon, based in Irving, Texas, is seeking at least 100 megawatts and would consider proposals for more than 250 megawatts. “I have never seen an oil and gas company doing a corporate PPA anywhere near that size,” said Kyle Harrison, a New York-based analyst at Bloomberg NEF, referring to the power-purchase agreements used to buy electricity. “If you’re seeing the biggest oil and gas companies going out and making investments in clean energy, it shows that renewables are cost-competitive. This can be a way for them to show a commitment to sustainability without suffering economically.” Exxon declined to comment. It’s not clear whether the company has reached an agreement with any supplier to buy this power, nor whether it was seeking the electricity for its own use.