中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月27日喀土穆报道,苏丹石油部长阿扎里•阿卜杜勒贾德尔表示,南苏丹已在Toma South油田恢复每日开采2万桶原油,自2013年以来,该油田一直处于停产状态。 阿卜杜勒贾德尔在喀土穆举行的新闻发布会上表示,此前暂停开采的五个油田,在年底前完成维护工作后,预计日产量将达到8万桶。 他补充称,南苏丹目前日产量保持在13万桶,预计年底前日产量将达到21万桶。 南苏丹在2011年脱离苏丹,当时苏丹石油日产量达到35万桶/天的峰值,但两年后便在内战中出现暴跌。战争刚开始时,产量约为每天24.5万桶。 南苏丹的石油通过一条经过苏丹的管道装船运往国际市场。 在 Toma South油田所在的地区,反政府武装与政府军的战斗最为激烈,破坏了石油生产设施。 南苏丹石油部长Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth上周六访问离苏丹边境约20英里的Toma South时表示,1号、2号和4号区块的恢复生产将带来每天4.5万桶的额外产量。 他说:“他们将在 Toma South每周工作7天,全天24小时,以确保生产不会中断,同时确保中央处理设施能够作业。” 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: South Sudan resumes pumping 20,000 bpd from oilfield suspended since 2013 South Sudan has resumed pumping 20,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude from the Toma South oilfield, where production had been suspended since 2013, the Sudanese oil minister Azhari Abdulqader said. Production at five of the previously suspended oilfields was expected to reach 80,000 bpd after maintenance work is completed by the end of the year, Abdulqader told a news conference in Khartoum. South Sudan’s oil output currently stands at 130,000 bpd and is expected to reach 210,000 bpd by year-end, he added. South Sudan seceded from Sudan in 2011 when output peaked at 350,000 bpd but two years later plunged into civil war. At the time fighting started, production was at about 245,000 barrels per day. South Sudan’s oil is shipped to international markets via a pipeline through Sudan. The area in which Toma South oilfields lie saw the most intense fighting between rebels and government troops, damaging oil production facilities. During a visit on Saturday to Toma South, some 20 miles to the border with Sudan, Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, South Sudan’s Oil Minister, said the resumption of production in blocks 1, 2 and 4, will bring an additional output of 45,000 barrels per day. “They will be here in Toma South working seven days a week, 24 hours a day to make sure that the production is not interrupted and also to make sure the central processing facility is operational,” Gatkuoth said.