

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社8月23日报道称,化石燃料的排放成本在欧洲升至十多年来的最高水平,超过了每吨20欧元(合23美元),增加了整个欧洲大陆的电力成本。 自2017年年中以来,碳排放许可已从不足5欧元翻了两倍多。原因在于欧盟各国政府同意削减自2008年开始的金融危机以来一直压低价格的贸易顺差。公用事业和工业污染者需要这些证书来涵盖他们产生的温室气体排放。 此举提醒人们,该地区各国政府已下定决心减少导致全球变暖的温室气体排放,首先是将电力行业从使用煤炭转向使用天然气和可再生能源等更清洁的燃料。其结果是英国、法国和德国电力价格多年来一直处于最高水平。 徐蕾 摘译自 彭博社 原文如下: Carbon Reaches 10-Year High, Pushing Up European Power Prices The cost of fossil-fuel emissions rose to its highest level in more than a decade in Europe, surpassing 20 euros a ton ($23) and adding to the cost of electricity across the continent. Carbon emission permits have more than quadrupled from less than 5 euros since the middle of 2017 after European Union governments agreed to cut away a surplus that had depressed prices since the financial crisis that started in 2008. Utilities and industrial polluters need the certificates to cover greenhouse gas emissions they produce. The move is a reminder that governments across the region are determined to curtail the emissions blamed for global warming, starting with shifting the power industry away from using coal and toward cleaner fuels such as natural gas and renewables. The result has been some of the highest power prices in years in Britain, France and Germany.  
