中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻新加坡8月20日消息,博禄市场和销售公司首席执行长周一表示,博禄公司在中国的聚合物配混工厂扩能项目预计在2020年底开始商业化生产。 博禄市场和销售公司首席执行长Wim Roels在马来西亚吉隆坡召开的2018年亚洲石化工业大会(APIC)间隙告诉安迅思公司,公司在中国上海的工厂的消缺项目将令该聚合物配混工厂的产能增加3.5万吨/年,达到12.5万吨/年。 他表示,该扩能项目当前处于前端工程和设计阶段。 该工厂的产品主要将服务于中国的汽车市场,当前中国汽车市场发展的重点是电动汽车。 庞晓华 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: APIC ’18: Borouge to start ops at expanded China plant by late-2020 Borouge expects to start commercial production at its expanded polymer compounding plant in China by late 2020, the CEO of Borouge’s marketing & sales company said on Monday. The debottlenecking project at the Shanghai plant will grow its annual capacity by 35,000 tonnes to 125,000 tonnes/year, Wim Roels told ICIS on the sidelines of the 2018 Asia Petrochemical Industry Conference (APIC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The expansion project is now at the front-end engineering and design stage, he said. Output from the plant will mostly serve the Chinese automotive market, where there is a growing focus on electric vehicles.