

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月22日消息,全球最大的主权财富基金挪威主权财富基金周二表示,二季度该基金的投资回报率为1.8%,主要是因为全球股票市场表现较好提升了股权投资收益。 总体而言,二季度油气公司的表现最为强劲,主要受益于需求增长和欧佩克减产刺激油价上涨。 挪威央行管理该石油基金的挪威央行投资管理公司表示,二季度的收益相当于年化收益达到1670亿挪威克朗(197亿美元)。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Norway Oil Fund Returned 1.8% in 2Q Amid Higher Stock Markets Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, made a positive return of 1.8% on its investments in the second quarter of 2018 as higher global stock markets boosted its equity investments, it said Tuesday. By overall sector, oil and gas companies were the strongest performers in the second quarter, thanks to higher oil prices in the wake of brisk demand and OPEC quota discipline. Norges Bank Investment Management, the arm of the central bank that manages the so-called oil fund, said the annual return equated to 167 billion Norwegian kroner ($19.7 billion).
