

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻伦敦8月21日消息,安迅思对流量数据的分析结果显示,今年荷兰有望首次成为天然气净进口国,因为国内产量的日益下降侵蚀了荷兰长达几十年作为西北欧天然气灵活供应国的历史地位。 今年截止当前,荷兰的管输天然气进口量已经超过出口国,主是荷兰自1950年代开始生产天然气以来的首次。 据管网运营商GTS的数据显示,截止8月17日,今年荷兰的天然气进口量超过出口量2.55亿立方米,而去年1-8月,荷兰天然气出口量超过进口量约50亿立方米。 对于荷兰来说,在低需求的夏季月份,天然气进口量超过出口量是异常的情况,但是今年的赤字是从3月份开始的,而且逐月稳步扩大。 荷兰生产低热量的天然气并出口至德国、比利时和法国,同时从俄罗斯和挪威进口高热量的天然气。 庞晓华 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: End of an era as Netherlands set to be net gas importer in 2018 The Netherlands is set to become a net importer of gas for the first time in 2018, according to ICIS analysis of flow data, as falling domestic production erodes the country’s decades-old status as north-west Europe’s swing supplier. Pipeline imports have outpaced exports in the year to-date for the first time since Dutch gas production began in the 1950s. As of 17 August, imports in 2018 exceeded exports by 255 million cubic meters (mcm), wiping out an export surplus of around 5 billion cubic meters (bcm) in January to August last year, according to data from grid operator GTS. It is not unusual for Dutch imports to be higher than exports during the low-demand summer months, but this year the deficit emerged from March and has been steadily widening ever since. The Netherlands produces and exports low-calorific gas to Germany, Belgium and France. It imports high-calorific gas primarily from Russia and Norway.
