

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月22日科威特报道,科威特石油部长Bakhit al-Rashidi周三表示,欧佩克及其他石油出口生产国有望在今年底前就监督其原油生产的机制达成一致。 他在视察一座发电站途中对记者表示,欧佩克和加盟的非欧佩克成员国组成的一个委员会将在下个月在阿尔及利亚举行的一次会议上审议各自的原油产量。 他说:“欧佩克和欧佩克以外国家的产量将在阿尔及利亚的会议上进行评估。在今年年底之前,将就明年的产量监控机制达成协议。” 他补充称,今年年底前,石油市场应“保持稳定”。 该委员会将于9月23日在阿尔及利亚召开会议,被称为JMCC,该委员会由沙特阿拉伯担任主席,成员包括欧佩克成员国阿尔及利亚、科威特、阿联酋和委内瑞拉,以及非欧佩克成员国阿曼和俄罗斯。 伊朗要求参加这次会议,以捍卫其市场份额,由于美国将于11月对伊朗石油业实施制裁,这可能会影响伊朗的市场份额。 在数个月的以提振原油价格为目标的减产后,欧佩克与俄罗斯及其他产油国盟友达成协议,从7月起提高产量。 沙特阿拉伯表示,该协议允许各国生产更多产品,以满足该集团的整体一致性水平,这意味着一些成员国,比如沙特自己,可以弥补其它国家的产量不足。 面临美国制裁的伊朗不同意并批评沙特计划将产量提高到目标水平之上。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Kuwait expects oil exporters to agree on mechanism to monitor supply OPEC and other oil exporting producers are expected to agree on a mechanism to monitor their crude production before the end of the year, Kuwaiti Oil Minister Bakhit al-Rashidi said on Wednesday. A committee set up by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allied non-OPEC exporters would review their crude output at a meeting in Algeria next month, he told reporters while touring an electricity station. “The production numbers of OPEC and (countries) outside OPEC will be reviewed at the meeting in Algeria, and before the end of the current year, there will be an agreement on a mechanism to monitor output next year,” he said. Oil markets should “remain stable” until the end of the year, he added. The committee that will meet in Algeria on Sept.23, known as the JMCC, is chaired by Saudi Arabia and includes OPEC members Algeria, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela, as well as non-OPEC members Oman and Russia. Iran asked to attend the meeting to defend its market share which could be impacted by U.S. sanctions due to take effect on its oil industry in November. After months of underproduction aimed at bolstering crude prics, OPEC agreed with Russia and other oil producing allies to raise output from July. Saudi Arabia said the deal allowed countries able to produce more to meet the group’s overall conformity level, meaning some members, such as itself, could make up for shortfalls elsewhere. Iran, which faces U.S. sanctions, disagreed and criticised Saudi plans to boost output above targeted levels.  
