中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月21日伦敦报道,两名业内消息人士表示,本月伊拉克南部的石油出口有望再创历史新高,这进一步表明,欧佩克第二大产油国伊拉克正在履行欧佩克提高产量的协议。 根据一名业内人士汇编的船舶跟踪数据,8月份前19天伊拉克南部平均每天出口了370万桶石油,比7月份现有的月度最高纪录的354万桶平均每天增加了16万桶。 伊拉克是在欧佩克及其同盟产油国在6月份达成增加石油供应协议以后增加石油产量的。在欧佩克及其同盟产油国自2017年削减产量消除供应过剩以来,伊拉克在7月份在参与此前减产的欧佩克成员国中提供了最大的的增产幅度。 行业消息人士周二表示:“我们将看到伊拉克南部本月迄今石油出口量有望再创历史新高。” 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Iraq’s Southern Oil Exports Head for Record High in August – Sources Oil exports from southern Iraq are on course to hit another record high this month, two industry sources said, adding to signs that OPEC’s second-largest producer is following through on the group’s agreement to raise output.
Southern Iraqi exports in the first 19 days of August averaged 3.7 million barrels per day, according to ship-tracking data compiled by an industry source, up 160,000 bpd from July’s 3.54 million bpd – the existing monthly record.
The increase follows June’s pact among OPEC and allied oil producers to boost supply after they had curbed output since 2017 to remove a glut. Iraq in July provided the largest increase among OPEC members that took part in the previous cuts.
“We are seeing volumes run at another record so far in the month,” the industry source said on Tuesday.