中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社8月20日纽约和休斯敦报道,康菲石油公司表示,根据与国有石油公司委内瑞拉石油公司(Petroleos de Venezuela)达成的和解协议,康菲石油公司将收回在2007被扣押的约20亿美元的石油资产。 国际法庭于4月份就已故总统乌戈·查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)进行的石油资产扣押事件判决金额。 康菲石油周一发表声明称,该协议涵盖了该合同的全部金额。 康菲石油在声明中称,PDVSA将在90天内支付约5亿美元的首付款,剩余款项将按季度支付,为期四年半。 康菲石油表示,将暂停在荷兰加勒比地区对委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)采取的行动。委内瑞拉约16%的原油出口储存在荷兰加勒比地区,然后运往美国,中国和印度。 几天前,委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯•马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)将玻利瓦尔贬值,使其汇率几乎与黑市汇率保持一致。他还将取消一些汽油补贴,并提高增值税。 加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)分析师斯科特•汉诺德(Scott Hanold)周一在一份报告中表示,这笔交易“让康菲公司离达成全面和解又近了一步,并消除了一些有关康菲公司可能收回的时间和金额的疑问”。“我们越来越乐观地认为,公司将成功收回全部资金。” 蔡小全 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: Conoco to recover $2 billion in agreement with Venezuela ConocoPhillips said it will recover about $2 billion in a settlement pact with Petroleos de Venezuela, the state-owned oil company, for oil assets seized in 2007. An international tribunal awarded the amount in April for oil-asset seizures carried out by the late president Hugo Chavez. The agreement covers the full amount of that award, according to a statement Monday by Conoco. PDVSA will make initial payments of about $500 million within 90 days, with the balance paid quarterly over four and a half years, Conoco said in the statement. Conoco said it will suspend its actions against PDVSA in the Dutch Caribbean, where about 16% of Venezuela’s crude exports are stored before shipping to the U.S., China and India. The pact comes days after Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro devalued the bolivar to trade nearly in line with the black market exchange rate. He’s also moving to remove some gasoline subsidies and raising the value added tax. The deal “brings Conoco one step closer to a full resolution for this settlement and removes some doubt around the timing and amount Conoco might recoup,” Scott Hanold, an RBC Capital Markets analyst, said in a note Monday. “We are increasingly optimistic the company will successfully recover the full amount.”