中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月20日报道称,巴拿马已与美国财政部和能源部签署协议,旨在鼓励更多私人投资,以扩大拉丁美洲LNG的进口和分销。 美国财政部负责国际事务的副部长大卫(David Malpass)上周访问巴拿马时说,他希望“框架协议”是该地区各国鼓励投资增加更廉价,更清洁能源的渠道之一。 该协议是财政部牵头的名为“美国 Crece”的倡议的一部分,该倡议将西班牙语的增长一词纳入其中,旨在促进美国LNG出口,发展拉美能源和下游需求。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Panama and US sign agreement to broaden regional access to LNG Panama has signed an agreement with the US Treasury and Energy departments that aims to encourage more private investment to expand the importation and distribution of US LNG in Latin America, as reported by Reuters. On a visit to Panama last week David Malpass, Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs, said he hoped the “framework agreement” is the first of several with countries in the region to encourage investment to increase access to cheaper, cleaner energy. The agreement is part of a Treasury-led initiative called America Crece, incorporating the Spanish word for growth, aimed at boosting US LNG exports, developing Latin American energy resources and downstream demand.