中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站8月19日利雅得报道,为了满足国内外的需求,沙特阿拉伯国有石油巨头沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美/Saudi Aramco)通过整合炼油和化工生产以及扩大更清洁天然气供应增加价值加强了其作为全球最大原油和凝析油生产国的作用。 沙特阿美在其今天发布的突出其战略成果的2017年年度回顾报告中说,沙特阿美将通过提高成熟油田产量、加速开发新发现油田和次生油气藏以及从新的增量中开发新的储量来保持其作为世界领先的原油生产国的地位。 沙特阿美总裁兼首席执行官阿明·纳赛尔表示:“在2017年,沙特阿美继续执行其长期的可靠供应战略以满足客户需求,从而推动沙特阿拉伯王国和全球的经济增长。” 纳赛尔说:“尽管市场环境存在不确定性和不稳定性,但我们继续创造长期价值来使我们的股东、客户和合作伙伴从中受益。今年的审查突出了沙特阿美如何通过在整个周期和整个价值链中的明智投资来致力于在满足当今和未来全球能源需求方面发挥自己的作用。” 纳赛尔指出,在2017年,沙特阿美在上游领域实施了一系列油气大项目。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Saudi Aramco reinforces key role in global energy supply State oil giant Saudi Aramco has reinforced its role as the number one producer of crude oil and condensate, adding value by integrating refining and chemicals production, and expanding cleaner natural gas supply to meet demand at home and abroad. The company will maintain its position as the world’s leading crude oil producer by production volume by tempering production from mature fields, accelerating younger fields and secondary reservoirs, and developing fresh reserves from new increments, while diversifying operations to capture value from strategic integration and expand natural gas activities, said Saudi Aramco in its 2017 Annual Review released today highlighting its strategic achievements. President and CEO Amin H. Nasser said: “In 2017, Saudi Aramco continued to deliver on its long-term strategy of reliable supply to meet customer needs, thereby driving economic growth in the Kingdom and around the world.” “Despite uncertain, volatile market conditions, we continued to create long-term value to benefit our shareholder, customers, and partners. This year’s review underscores how Saudi Aramco is committed to playing its part in meeting the world’s energy needs today and tomorrow by continuing to invest wisely throughout the cycle and across the value chain,” he added. Nasser pointed out that in 2017, Saudi Aramco progressed a slate of oil and gas mega-projects in the upstream.