中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站8月19日米兰报道,意大利石油巨头埃尼公司18日在米兰表示,埃及当局日前批准了一份新的旨在管理地中海多产的尼罗河三角洲盆地东部的海上勘探许可证的特许权协议。 这份命名为“努尔”的勘探许可证位于地中海东部距离埃及海岸大约50公里处,水深50至400米,总面积为739平方公里。埃尼集团计划在今年下半年钻取一口勘探井。 这次新的收购进一步巩固了埃尼公司在埃及的地位,而埃及对埃尼公司来说是一个具有历史和战略重要性的地区。 努尔许可证将由埃尼公司通过其麾下子公司IEOC运营。在与埃及天然气控股公司(EGAS)合作的这一新勘探许可证中,埃尼公司与埃及塔瓦石油公司各持有85%和15%的股份。 埃尼公司自1954年以来一直通过其麾下子公司IEOC在埃及进行油气勘探和开发作业。埃尼公司是埃及国内领先的石油生产商,其每天的权益油产量为30万桶油当量。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Eni wins new exploration licence offshore Egypt Italian oil major Eni said that a new concession agreement, aimed at governing an offshore exploration licence in the prolific East Nile Delta Basin of the Mediterranean Sea, has received approval by Egyptian authorities.
The exploration licence, named “Nour”, is located approximately 50 km offshore in the Eastern Mediterranean, in water depth ranging from 50 to 400 meters, and covers a total area of 739 sq km. Eni plans to proceed with the drilling of an exploration well in the second half of 2018.
This new acquisition further strengthens Eni’s position in Egypt, an area of historic and strategic importance for the Company.
Nour is operated by Eni through its subsidiary IEOC. In the concession, which is in participation with Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS), Eni holds an 85 per cent stake in partnership with Tharwa Petroleum Company, which holds a 15 per cent stake.
Eni has been present in Egypt since 1954, where it operates through its subsidiary IEOC. The company is the country’s leading producer with equity of approximately 300,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.