中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站8月19日休斯顿报道,国际大宗商品贸易巨头之一瑞士摩科瑞能源集团(Mercuria Energy Group)日前与希腊船用燃料物流公司爱琴海海洋石油公司(Aegean Marine petroleum)签署了一份谅解备忘录,从而使摩科瑞能源集团成为爱琴海海洋石油公司唯一的贷款人。两家公司时下都在努力达成一项10亿美元的信贷协议并进一步加强合作。 摩科瑞能源集团和爱琴海海洋石油公司已经执行了一份合同,根据这项合同,前者通过对贸易融资安排和其他融资安排进行修订和豁免向后者提供3000万美元增量流动性。 随着这一重要步骤的完成,双方打算开始探索更广泛的全球战略伙伴关系。根据新签的谅解备忘录,摩科瑞能源集团将至少在2019年1月31日之前分别向爱琴海海洋石油公司提供2.5亿美元和7.5亿美元的循环信贷安排来资助其在美国国内和全球的生意。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Mercuria Energy Takes 30% Stake in Aegean Marine Mercuria Energy Group and Aegean Marine Petroleum have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) making Mercuria the only lender to Aegean. Both are working towards landing a billion dollar credit deal and closer collaboration.
Mercuria and Aegean have executed a letter agreement detailing the US$30 million of incremental liquidity Mercuria is providing to the Company by way of amendments and waivers to the Trade Finance Facility and other financing arrangements.
With this significant step completed, the two parties intend to begin exploring a broader, global strategic partnership. Pursuant to the MOU, Mercuria will provide US$250 million and US$750 million in revolving credit facilities to finance the U.S. and global businesses, respectively, through at least January 31, 2019.