

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社墨西哥城8月14日消息,墨西哥新当选总统Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador表示,他的政府将投资逾110亿美元用于炼油扩能,以抑制日益增加的燃料进口量。
将于12月1日就任墨西哥总统的Lopez Obrador告诉记者,他的政府计划投资26亿美元对现有由墨西哥国家石油公司PEMEX拥有和运营的国内炼油厂进行现代化改造,同时将在未来三年时间内投资84亿美元新建一座炼油厂。
张春晓摘译自 路透社
Mexico’s Lopez Obrador pledges more than $11B for refineries Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his administration will invest more than $11 billion to boost refining capacity in order to curb growing fuel imports. Lopez Obrador, who will take office on Dec. 1, told reporters his government plans to invest $2.6 billion to modernize existing domestic refineries owned and operated by national oil company Pemex and spend another $8.4 billion to build a new one within three years. Mexico is among Latin America’s largest crude exporters but is also the biggest importer of U.S. refined products. The country’s next president has pledged to lift refining capacity, which he says has declined due to corruption and neglect. Pemex, formally known as Petroleos Mexicanos, has six domestic refineries with a total processing capacity of some 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd), but the facilities are only operating at about 40 percent of capacity so far this year. Meanwhile, gasoline and diesel imports have sky-rocketed in recent months amid planned and unplanned refinery stoppages.  
